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Dalhousie University’s AI robotics team wins gold in RoboCup

Published on Aug 12, 2021 by on ROBOCUP AI CANADA

Dalhousie University’s AI robotics team wins gold in RoboCup

The Dalhousie University’s AI robotics team, CYRUS, has become the first Canadian team to win gold in the international RoboCup competition.

Team CYRUS, led by research assistant Nader Zare and PhD student Mahtab Sarvmaili, both in the Faculty of Computer Science, was able to use AI and machine learning to create autonomous robot soccer players in various positions for the two-dimensional competition.

According to Sarvmaili, the RoboCup competition is divided into two leagues: the Hardware League and the Software League.

“The software league is more like a simulation of these robotic competitions,” she said. “For example, we have the rescue league that are like these firefighters, kind of agents. Or we have the soccer league which we are competing in.”


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